Why having a search bar on your site, makes all the difference

19 November 2018


In order to build an ideal website, a number of factors needed to be considered. From the design aspects, the ease of using the website to the navigation, equal importance must be placed on every aspect, but the one that usually gets overlooked is the need to add a search bar.         

A simple quadrilateral that sets everything straight.

A Search bar is a combination of an input field and a submit button. One may think that the search bar doesnt need a design; after all, its just two simple elements. However, on content-heavy websites, the search bar is often the most frequently used design element. When users come across relatively complex sites, they will immediately look for a search bar to get to their final destination quickly and painlessly. The design of the search bar and its usability becomes a big deal.

Depending on the size of your website, you may have hundreds or more posts/ pages for people to browse. You may have category links, tag links, best posts, related posts, etc. listed on each of the pages but it only goes so deep.

To enhance the user experience, a search bar plays a huge role in the sense that it allows users to search through your website quickly and easily. This ensures that users have a seamless and smooth experience when they interact with a website or application.

In this article, well see how this element can be improved in order to save the user time in going where they want.

Use a magnifying-glass icon

There are a few universally recognized icons, identified by the users and the magnifying-glass icon is one such icon. Accompanying your search bar with a magnifying-glass icon will clearly indicate the proper function of the bar. 

