Top Outsourcing Services Trends For Digital Transformation In 2022

01 December 2022


How Outsourcing Services Support Digital Transformation in 2022

Today to stay relevant in a continuously disrupting business environment you have to know about digital transformation. 

But going digital is not an easy way. It’s a lot more than merely sprinkling a few technologies here and there to address specific business problems. However, even the best-laid plans fail for digital transformation projects when they are not implemented properly. 

With limited resources at hand, in-house transformation also can be found daunting. In such cases, Outsourcing is the best option for those companies who are looking for faster and more effective ways of digital transformation. 

In this blog, we will explain why outsourcing is beneficial and the way you can successfully implement digital transformation projects. 

Let’s Look at the Challenges you will come across to Perform: 

Digital Transformation in-house

You can choose to do an internal digital transformation. But the fact is it can be tricky because it is not your company’s primary expertise. 

While the in-house digitization allows you to enjoy complete control over transformation strategy, where you don’t have to stay dependent on any external provider, it can be challenging too.

Some of the challenges you face if you want to implement an in-house digital transformation are. 

1. C-Suite Pushback 

To get a successful digital transformation your c-suite executives must stay on board. Without them, it's not at all possible that everything will run smoothly. 

This is because these executives hold a fair amount of influence over company culture and business strategy. Or without any specific validation or endorsement from these executives, it's unlikely your digital transformation efforts will bear fruit. 

2. Non-digital Organizational Culture

With an old-school mentality about digitization, your company might be slow in adapting to innovation changes. As a result, many in your company will look down on automation in this case.

The digital transformation process needs everyone from leadership to employees. But a company with non-digital culture will be hesitant in making changes in day-to-day activities.

Your company might face failure if they do not accept transformation there will be a loss of talent and skilled employees. 

3. Limited Resources

Companies who are struggling with mission-critical roles feel burdened when they have to hire a sufficient workforce for large-scale digital transformation. After all, with limited resources, your team has already stuck with existing responsibilities and In this case, it won’t be easy to undertake essential.

4. High Cost

In-house transformation is quite expensive when you don’t have the expertise to make a clear-cut strategy. You may also face scope creep every time you revisit project scope with evolving stakeholder needs. This means you have to make decisions that increase your budget or project timeline. 

The most significant barriers to performing are in-house digital transformation, Now let’s talk about the key benefits of outsourcing it to a third party.

Key Benefits of Outsourcing Digital Transformation

There is no doubt that digital transformation is easier and outsourcing it to a third party helps you do it in the most timely and cost-effective way at the time of eliminating overhead costs.

Here we will discuss why you must contemplate outsourcing digital transformation.

1. Get Access to Enough Resources 

Outsourcing digital transformation ensures that you have sufficient resources at your disposal to attain your project’s goals. And the responsibility of making those resources always available shifts from you to the outsourced provider which allows you the freedom to run another important aspect of your business. You are given to decide whether you are required to employ someone with specific skills or temporarily hire someone’s services till the end.

So outsourcing it helps you manage hassle-free resource allocation without compromising on other business aspects.

2. Experience and Expertise at Hand 

Technology or subject knowledge over a broad spectrum is required for digital transformation. Many of these skills are cost-prohibitive or only required for a limited time. 

But what if your internal team lacks this type of expertise or experience?

Outsourcing will help you access these capabilities and click into resources that cover up the gaps in expertise. Through third-party vendors, you can access specialists for new technologies. 

It will minimize the burden on your in-house employees and give access to rich talent who have skills. 

3. Risk mitigation 

When you attempt to do an in-house digital transformation you become entirely responsible for all the risks involved. And it becomes tougher when the project involves technologies/solutions your team isn’t familiar with and when you outsource a third party they share your risks due to their expertise In the same field. 

4. Better Equipment and Security

Most businesses rely on legacy systems that are incompatible with the latest technologies. 

Through outsourcing, you can be assured that you won’t need to make a sizable initial capital investment or will get benefit from top-notch, modern software or equipment. 

Moreover, knowledgeable outsourcing companies already safeguard your company from the crimes like cybercrime using high-security procedures.

5. Hands-on-Experience in Multiple domains

Outsourcing offers you hand-on-experience in domains like fintech, gaming, telecom, healthcare, insurance, hospitality, and manufacturing. But digital transformation in two different sectors can never be the same as it will be different in banking or education. 

But adopting digital tech in a particular sector calls for specific expertise. So the vendor with experience or knowledge in your industry is sure to add value to your project.

TECHVED Digital Transformation Roadmap

Digital Transformation is a long journey, To make sure that your project succeeds, TECHVED brings a ready-made roadmap for you. This roadmap can be used to analyze the requirements of your project or allows you to move forward with no difficulties.

TECHVED roadmap to digital transformation is an approach that allows you to design or manage your transformation most efficiently and also reduce the risk involves in it. 

Our way of working is by analyzing the current digital strategy of the company or then moving forward toward defining your company's future goals. 

Our digital transformation roadmap offers you an organized way to move through various procedures flawlessly based on four elements i.e. People, Process, Technology, and Content.             

Contact TECHVED for successful digital transformation

Day by day new or innovative technologies come into pace so fast that internal IT teams of most organizations become unable to meet that pace. As a result, the in-house teams lack the much-needed tech skills or business expertise to identify the best solutions for their organization.

The issues you might come across are inexperienced workers, team pushback, legacy data-gathering processes, vaguely-defined business goals, and limited resources are a few reasons why companies stumble at times of digital transformation.

The above might issues can be resolved and the companies who are serious about transforming their business with innovative tech solutions, can access expert resources or fresh ways of thinking through outsourcing is important. 

Contact us for this, we support you throughout your digital transformation journey. We will help you work around the potential transformation bottlenecks. 


We read in the above blog that staying relevant in today’s continuously disrupting business environment is possible through a digital transformation but it’s not easy. It involves various things to build a system that transforms every aspect of your business like bringing down business costs or maximizing efficiency so you must go for in-house transformation and which can be made easy through outsourcing digital transformation. 

